Facebook Channel Metrics in Measure

Channel metrics measure the performance of your entire channel during the selected date range, including any new activity on posts published before the selected date range. 

Facebook offers channel metrics natively in the Overview section its Insights tool. Many of these metrics are also available in Measure, as well as additional metrics that aren't available natively.  

In this article, learn more about Facebook channel metrics and why Measure's results may differ from Facebook's native reporting.

Network rules

How much historical data is available for Facebook channel metrics?

When you connect a Facebook channel for the first time, Measure will backfill all channel metrics from the past 365 days.

How often are Facebook channel metrics refreshed?

Facebook channel metrics receive a data refresh once every 24 hours at 7AM UTC.

Do Facebook channel metrics include paid data?

Paid, organic, viral, and non-viral Facebook channel metrics will be identified by name (paid impressions, organic reach, etc.). All other Facebook channel metrics will show a combined total of paid and organic data that cannot be broken down. 

You do not need to connect an ad account to view paid Facebook channel data. 

Metrics rules

* = Metrics available in Measure but not natively

Metric Definition Widgets
Blocked DM conversations* The number of times your channel was blocked during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Channel profile views The number of times people viewed your profile during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison

Channel profile views by logged in/out*

The number of times people viewed your profile during the selected date range, broken down by logged-in viewers and logged-out viewers.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Clicks by type*

The number of new clicks on your profile or posts during the selected date range, broken down by type.

Types of clicks include: clicks on images, clicks on videos, clicks on links, clicks on hashtags or mentions, clicks on your Page name, and other clicks. It does not include clicks to like, comment, or share.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.


The number of new clicks on your profile or posts during the selected date range.

This metric includes clicks on images, clicks on videos, clicks on links, clicks on hashtags or mentions, clicks on your Page name, and other clicks. It does not include clicks to like, comment, or share.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison

The number of new comments on your posts during the selected date range.

This metric includes replies to comments.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison

The number of new reactions, comments, and shares on your posts during the selected date range.

To include clicks, please use the Interactions metric.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Engaged users (daily)*

The number of people who engaged with your posts during the selected date range.

A single user who engages in multiple ways or on multiple posts will still only be counted once per day.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Engagement rate*

The ratio of engagements to reach during the selected date range, represented as a percentage.

Formula: ((Reactions + Comments + Shares) / Impressions) x 100

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Engagement rate (reach)*

The ratio of engagements to reach during the selected date range, represented as a percentage.

Formula: 100 * (Reactions + Comments + Shares + Saves (for Instagram)) / Reach

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Engagement stories by type*

The number of times people took action on your profile or posts during the selected date range, broken down by story type.  

Types of engagement stories include: Page posts, Page mentions, Page likes, and Other. 

Note: For this metric, "stories" does not refer to the post type but to engagement types.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Fan decrease by unlike source*

The number of people who unliked your channel during the selected date range, broken down by unlike source.

Sources for unlikes include: Deactivated or Memorialized Account Removals, Suspicious Account Removals, Unlikes from Page/Posts/News Feed, Unlikes from Search, and Other

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Fan decrease* The number of people who unliked your channel during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Fan increase The number of people who liked your channel during the selected date range.   Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Fan increase by like source*

The number of people who liked your channel during the selected date range, broken down by like source.

Sources for likes include: Ads, News Feed, Page Suggestions, Restored Likes from Reactivated Accounts, Search, and Your Page.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Fan increase by paid/unpaid* The number of people who liked your channel during the selected date range, broken down by likes from promoted posts (paid fan increase) and likes from non-promoted posts (unpaid fan increase). Breakdown

The number of people who liked your channel as of the selected end date. 

Discrepancies: The Meta Business Suite uses Page follows instead of Page likes.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Fans by age & gender

The number of people who liked your channel as of the selected end date, broken down by age and gender.

Discrepancies: The Meta Business Suite uses Page follows instead of Page likes.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Fans by country

The number of people who liked your channel as of the selected end date, broken down by country of origin. Only the top 45 countries are included.

Discrepancies: The Meta Business Suite uses Page follows instead of Page likes.

Fans online by hour*

The times of day that your channel's fans are most active on Facebook, broken down by hour (PST/PDT).

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Frequency (distribution)*

The ratio of impressions to reach during the selected date range, broken down by average distribution.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Frequency* The ratio of impressions to reach during the selected date range, represented as an average. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Impressions by type*

The number of times people viewed your profile or posts during the selected date range, broken down by type.

Types of impressions include paid impressions, non-viral impressions, and viral impressions.


The number of times people viewed your profile or posts during the selected date range. 

Note: Total impressions ≠ organic + paid impressions. This is because these organic and paid impressions do not include profile views.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Interactions rate (reach)*

The ratio of interactions to reach during the selected date range, represented as a percentage.

Formula: ((Reactions + Comments + Shares) / Reach) x 100

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Interactions Rate*

The ratio of interactions to impressions during the selected date range, represented as a percentage.

Formula: ((Reactions + Comments + Shares + Clicks) / Impressions) x 100

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Interactions* The number of new reactions, comments, shares, and clicks on your posts during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Likes* The number of new likes on your posts during the selected date range. This metric also includes "care" reactions. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Link clicks*

The number of new link clicks on your posts during the selected date range.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Negative actions by type*

The number of new negative actions taken on your channel during the selected date range, broken down by type.

Types of negative actions actions include: unliking the channel, hiding its posts, or reporting posts as spam.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Negative actions*

The number of new negative actions taken on your channel during the selected date range.

Types of negative actions actions include: unliking the channel, hiding its posts, or reporting posts as spam.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Negative fans*

The number of people who took negative actions on your channel during the selected date range. If a person takes multiple negative actions in a single day, they will only be counted once.

Types of negative actions actions include: unliking the channel, hiding its posts, or reporting posts as spam.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Net new fans*

The difference between fans lost and fans gained during the selected date range.

This metric will be a negative number if you lost more fans than you gained. 

Note: Net new fans ≠ fans increase - fans decrease. This is because the metrics are offset by 24 hours

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
New DM conversations* The number new direct message conversations started with your channel during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Non-viral impressions*

The number of times people viewed your non-promoted posts through non-viral distribution during the selected date range.

Non-viral distribution goes directly from your channel to your fans.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Non-viral reach (daily)*

The number of people who viewed at least one of your non-promoted posts through non-viral distribution during the selected date range.

Non-viral distribution goes directly from your channel to your fans. 

Discrepancies: Meta reports your channel-level reach data once a day, and Measure adds these daily totals together to calculate the total reach for your selected date range. This means a unique user may be counted multiple times if they view your content on multiple days, giving Measure a higher number than Facebook's.

To avoid this effect, please use non-viral reach (daily) avg., which shows your channel's average reach per day instead.  

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Organic impressions* The number of times people viewed your non-promoted posts during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Organic reach (daily)*

The number of people who viewed at least one of your non-promoted posts during the selected date range.

Discrepancies: Meta reports your channel-level reach data once a day, and Measure adds these daily totals together to calculate the total reach for your selected date range. This means a unique user may be counted multiple times if they view your content on multiple days, giving Measure a higher number than Facebook's.

To avoid this effect, please use organic reach (daily) avg., which shows your channel's average reach per day instead.  

Formula: Viral reach + Non-viral reach

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Organic video views (3s)*

The number of new video views on non-promoted posts during the selected date range. Videos must play for at least 3 seconds.

This metric includes video views from autoplays, video views from clicks, and video views from replays. However, it does not include video views from auto-replays.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Other clicks*

The number of new "other clicks" on your posts during the selected date range.

Examples of other clicks include: clicks to select text, clicks on hashtags or mentions, and clicks on the page name.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Paid fan increase* The number of people who liked your channel as a result of seeing one of your promoted posts during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Paid impressions* The number of times people viewed your promoted posts during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Paid reach (daily)*

The number of people who viewed at least one of your promoted posts during the selected date range.

Discrepancies: Meta reports your channel-level reach data once a day, and Measure adds these daily totals together to calculate the total reach for your selected date range. This means a unique user may be counted multiple times if they view your content on multiple days, giving Measure a higher number than Facebook's.

To avoid this effect, please use paid reach (daily) avg., which shows your channel's average reach per day instead.  

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Paid video views (3s)*

The number of new video views on your promoted posts during the selected date range. Videos must play for at least 3 seconds.

This metric includes video views from autoplays, video views from clicks, and video views from replays. However, it does not include video views from auto-replays.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Photo clicks*

The number of new clicks to enlarge an image during the selected date range.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Positive actions by type*

The number of new positive actions during the selected date range.

Types of positive actions include: answers, claims, comments, likes, links, RSVPs, and other. Likes include care reactions but not any other reaction type (love, haha, wow, etc.). Actions on Stories are not included.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Profile CTA clicks* The number of new clicks on your channel's contact info or call-to-action buttons during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Reach (daily)

The number of people who viewed at least one of your posts during the selected date range.

Discrepancies: Meta reports your channel-level reach data once a day, and Measure adds these daily totals together to calculate the total reach for your selected date range. This means a unique user may be counted multiple times if they view your content on multiple days, giving Measure a higher number than Facebook's. 

To avoid this effect, please use reach (daily) avg., which shows your channel's average reach per day instead.  

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Reach by age & gender*

The number of people who viewed at least one of your posts during the selected date range, broken down by age and gender.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Reach by country*

The number of people who viewed at least one of your posts during the selected date range, broken down by country of origin. Only the top 45 countries are included.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Reach by type*

The number of people who viewed at least one of your posts during the selected date range, broken down by type.

Types of reach include: paid reach, non-viral reach, and viral reach.

Reactions by type*

The number of new reactions on your posts during the selected date range, broken down by reaction type.

Types of reactions include: like, care, love, haha, wow, sad, and angry. Care reactions are counted as likes.


The number of new reactions on your posts during the selected date range.

Types of reactions include: like, care, love, haha, wow, sad, and angry.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Repeated video views*

The number of times your videos were replayed during the selected date range. Replays must play for 3 seconds.

This metric includes replays from clicks but not auto-replays.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Reported DM conversations*

The number times people reported your channel for spam or inappropriate messages during the selected date range.

Note: A user reporting your channel does not automatically block you from sending further messages.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison

The number of times people shared your posts during the selected date range. 

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Storytellers by age & gender*

The number of people who took action on your profile or posts during the selected date range, broken down by age and gender.

Actions include: liking your Page, posting to your Page, engaging with one of your Page's posts, answering a Question posted by your Page, RSVPing to one of your Page's events, mentioning your Page, tagging your Page in a photo, or checking in at your Place.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Storytellers by country*

The number of people who took action on your profile or posts during the selected date range, broken down by country of origin. Only the top 45 countries are included.

Actions include: liking your Page, posting to your Page, engaging with one of your Page's posts, answering a Question posted by your Page, RSVPing to one of your Page's events, mentioning your Page, tagging your Page in a photo, or checking in at your Place.

Warning: Facebook deprecated this metric on March 14, 2024. Measure cannot show data beyond this date. Data from before this date will remain available for a limited time in 2024.

Unpaid fan increase* The number of people who liked your channel as a result of seeing a non-promoted post during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Video plays*

The number of times people clicked your videos during the selected date range. The video must play for at least 3 seconds. This metric includes Reels.

To include replays/auto-replays, please use video views.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Video view time* The duration, in minutes, of all video views (3s) during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Video viewers*

The number of people who viewed at least one of your videos during the selected date range. Videos must play for at least 3 seconds.

This metric includes video views from autoplays, video views from clicks, and video views from replays. However, it does not include video views from auto-replays.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Video views (10s)*

The number of new video views on your posts during the selected date range. Videos must play for at least 10 seconds.

This metric includes video views from autoplays, video views from clicks, and video views from replays. However, it does not include video views from auto-replays.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Video views (30s)* The number of new video views on your posts during the selected date range. Videos must play for at least 30 seconds.

This metric includes video views from autoplays, video views from clicks, and video views from replays. However, it does not include video views from auto-replays.
Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Video views by type*

The number of new video views on your posts during the selected date range, broken down by view type. Videos must play for at least 3 seconds.

This metric includes video views from autoplays, video views from clicks, and video views from replays. However, it does not include video views from auto-replays.

Types of video views include: Paid video views (3s) and Organic video views (3s). Organic video views include both viral and non-viral distribution.

Video views*

The number of new video views on your posts during the selected date range. Videos must play for at least 3 seconds.

This metric includes video views from autoplays, video views from clicks, and video views from replays. However, it does not include video views from auto-replays.

Formula: Paid video views (3s) + Organic video views (3s)

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Viral amplification*

The ratio of viral impressions to non-viral impressions and paid impressions during the selected date range. A higher number means higher viral distribution.

Examples of viral distribution include: shares from friends, shares from friends of friends, etc.

Formula: Viral impressions / (Non-viral impressions + Paid impressions)

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Viral impressions*

The number of times people viewed your non-promoted posts through viral distribution  during the selected date range.

Examples of viral distribution include: shares from friends, shares from friends of friends, etc.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Viral reach (daily)*

The number of people who viewed at least one of your non-promoted posts through viral distribution during the selected date range. 

Examples of viral distribution include: shares from friends, shares from friends of friends, etc.

Discrepancies: Meta reports your channel-level reach data once a day, and Measure adds these daily totals together to calculate the total reach for your selected date range. This means a unique user may be counted multiple times if they view your content on multiple days, giving Measure a higher number than Facebook's.

To avoid this effect, please use viral reach (daily) avg., which shows your channel's average reach per day instead.  

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison


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