FAQ: Measure

How far back in time can Measure go?

When you first connect a channel to Social Media Management, the amount of historical data Measure will be able to backfill will vary from network to network. For example, Facebook channels can only backfill the past 15 days' worth of posts and data, while TikTok channels can backfill the past year. Once the channel is connected, Measure will also begin collecting and storing new data as it comes in.

All data in Measure is stored for a maximum of two years and three months, regardless of network or channel connection date. So, for example, if today were January 1, 2025, the furthest back you could reach would be October 1, 2022 (but only if your channel had been connected at the time).

What happens to my Measure data if my channel disconnects?

If your channel disconnects for any reason, Measure will stop collecting new data. However, existing data will not be deleted, and once you reconnect your channel, it may be possible to backfill the data that was missed. 

These backfill limitations are the same as the backfill limitations when connecting a channel for the first time. So, for example, if your Facebook channel has been disconnected for the past 30 days, it will only be possible to recover posts and data from the past 15 days.  

What happens to my Measure data if I delete my dashboard(s)?

Deleting a dashboard does not delete its data, and if you recreate the dashboard with the same settings, you will get the same results. However, please note that it's not possible for us to restore a dashboard once it's deleted, so you will have to rebuild it manually.  

What is the difference between Measure and Benchmark?

Measure and Benchmark are both data analytics tools, but their data is pulled from different sources. Benchmark collects data that is publicly accessible (like a channel's fan count or a post's total engagements), while Measure collects data that is private to the channel's owner (like overall reach and impressions).

This is why Benchmark is able to show data from any public channel but Measure is only able to show data from the channels that you've connected to Social Media Management—the channel connection gives Measure permission to access the additional data. 

Benchmark is still useful for comparing your performance to your competitors'. Measure is more useful for comparing your own performance month over month, comparing two of your own campaigns, etc. Since they are collected using different methodologies, Measure's results and Benchmark's should not be compared. 

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