How Much Historical Data Will I See After I Connect a Channel?

When you connect a channel to Social Media Management, we will automatically import a select amount of data from the past. The amount and the type of data you receive depends on the network, the type of content, and the module in Social Media Management. In this article, you can find out what data to expect for each network.

Where will I see historical data in Social Media Management?

Following the connection of your channel to Social Media Management, you may find posts indexed on your Publish calendar, conversations indexed in Engage, profile cards for your customers in Audience, and metrics for your channels and content in Measure.

The data should populate within 30 minutes of the channel being connected. Please see the sections below for more information on what historical data to expect for each network.


Waiting more than 30 minutes? If you connected a large number of channels in a short amount of time, you may notice a slight delay. Please reach out to our Support team if you still can’t view the correct historical data after 24 hours.

Historical data for Facebook channels

Once you have connected a new Facebook channel, the following data will populate in Social Media Management:


To protect the privacy of its users, Facebook has implemented an API restriction which causes demographics metrics, such as age, gender, and location, to be unavailable only if your page has less than 100 fans.

All posts from the last 15 days will be indexed.
All posts and direct messages from the last 15 days will be indexed, along with all comments.
Audience profiles will be created for all customers visible in Engage through recently indexed conversations.
Measure (Channel Metrics)
All channel metrics for the last 365 days will be available.
Measure (Content Metrics)
Posts from the last 15 days will be indexed along with all applicable metrics.
  • Authenticated accounts: Last 180 days
  • Non-authenticated accounts: Last 180 days
Campaigns, ad sets, and ads from the past two years from the date of ad account connection will be available and 90 days of performance metrics will be available.
Upon indexing, data is backfilled and available for two years from the current calendar date.


Fans data is not backfilled and is only available from the date the channel was added to Benchmark. Current fans data for channels indexed in the Legacy Benchmark will be migrated to New Benchmark.

Historical data for Instagram channels

Once you have connected a new Instagram channel to Social Media Management, we will index the following data:

All posts from the last 14 days will be indexed.

All posts from the last 14 days, along with all comments, will be indexed.

Direct message conversations from the previous two weeks will be indexed along with up to 50 messages per conversation.

Audience profiles will be created for all customers visible in Engage through recently indexed conversations.
Measure (Channel Metrics)

All channel metrics for the last 365 days will be available, except for the following metrics, which will only be available moving forward in time:

  • Fans
  • Fans by country
  • Fans by age and gender
  • Fans online by hour (available only for the last 30 days)
Measure (Content Metrics)
Posts from the last two weeks will be indexed, along with all applicable metrics. Stories from the past will not be indexed.
Campaigns, ad sets, and ads from the past two years from the date of ad account connection will be available and 90 days of performance metrics will be available.
Upon indexing, data is backfilled and available for two years from the current calendar date.
  • Authenticated accounts: Posts from the last 180 days will be availble; stories from the past 24 hours will be available.
  • Non-authenticated accounts: Post from the last 30 days will be available; stories will not be available.


Instagram TV (IGTV) posts will not be indexed in Publish, though they will be visible in Measure and Engage. IGTV insights will be available only if the video was shared as a post. In addition, Instagram stories that were created natively on Instagram will not be indexed in Publish.

Historical data for X (Twitter) channels

Once you have connected a new X (Twitter) channel, the following data will populate in Social Media Management:

All posts (tweets), reposts (retweets), quote posts (quote tweets), and mentions from the last 7 days will be indexed. 
All posts, post replies, reposts, quote posts, mentions, and direct messages from the last 30 days will be indexed.
Audience profiles will be created for all customers visible in Engage on recently indexed conversations.
Measure (Channel Metrics)
Channel metrics will only be available going forward in time.
Measure (Content Metrics)
All posts from the last 7 days will be indexed in Measure, though content metrics will only be available for posts created after the channel connection.
Upon indexing, data is backfilled and available for two years from the current calendar date.


Followers metrics will only be available going forward in time.

  • Authenticated accounts: Last 30 days
  • Non-authenticated accounts: Last 30 days

Historical data for YouTube channels

Once you have connected a new YouTube channel, the following data will populate in Social Media Management:

Videos from the last 365 days will be indexed along with comments from the last 14 days and a maximum of 500 replies from the last 14 days.
Measure Channel Metrics

Channel metrics will only be available moving forward in time. Please allow 4 days for the YouTube API to deliver the data. 

Measure Content Metrics

All content metrics for posts from the last 365 days will be available after each post registers new activity. “Activity” includes likes, dislikes, comments, and views. Please allow 4 days for the YouTube API to deliver the data.


  • Authenticated accounts: Last 180 days
  • Non-authenticated accounts: Last 180 days
Upon indexing, data is backfilled and available for two years from the current calendar date.

Historical data for LinkedIn channels

Once you have connected a new LinkedIn channel, the following data will populate in Social Media Management:

All posts from the last 2 years will be indexed.
All posts (with comments) and direct messages from the 14 days will be indexed.
Audience profiles will be created for all customers visible in Engage through recently indexed conversations.
Measure (Channel Metrics)

All available channel metrics from the last 365 days will be available except for:

  • Fans
  • Net new fans
Measure (Content Metrics)
Posts from the last 30 days will be indexed, along with all applicable metrics.
Campaigns, ad sets, and ads from the past two years from the date of ad account connection will be available and 90 days of performance metrics will be available.

Historical data for TikTok channels

Once you have connected a new TikTok channel, the following data will populate in Social Media Management:

All posts from the last 365 days will be indexed.
All posts, comments, and comment replies from the last 365 days will be indexed.
Audience profiles will be created for all customers visible in Engage on recently indexed conversations.
Measure (Channel Metrics)

All channel metrics from the last 60 days will be available except for:

  • Fans
  • Fans by gender
  • Fans by country
Measure (Content Metrics)
Posts from the last year will be indexed along with all available metrics.
  • Authenticated accounts: Authentication for TikTok accounts in Influence is currently not supported.
  • Non-authenticated accounts: Last 30 days

Historical data for Pinterest channels

Once you have connected a new Pinterest channel, the following data will populate in Social Media Management:

All pins will be indexed at a rate of 4,000 pins per hour. For example, if your channel has 12,000 pins, it will take 3 hours to index them all.
Measure (Content Metrics)
All pins will be indexed at a rate of 4,000 pins per hour. For example, if your channel has 12,000 pins, it will take 3 hours to index them all. 

Historical data for Messenger channels

Once you have connected a new Messenger channel, the following data will populate in Social Media Management:

All direct messages from the last 15 days will be indexed.
Audience profiles will be created for all customers visible in Engage on recently indexed conversations.

Historical data for WhatsApp channels

Currently, historical data for recently connected WhatsApp channels is not supported. You will be able to view WhatsApp conversations in Engage and WhatsApp profiles in Audience going forward in time.

Historical data for Google channels

Once you have connected a new Google channel, the following data will populate in Social Media Management:

Google Reviews data from the last 365 days will be indexed.

Historical data for Twitch channels

Historical data for Twitch authenticated and non-authenticated Twitch accounts is only available in the Influence platform. At this time, it is not possible to connect a Twitch channel to the Social Media Management platform. If you are an Influence user, please see our article on authenticating social accounts in Influence for more information.

  • Authenticated accounts: Last 30 days
  • Non-authenticated accounts: Last 30 days

Historical data for Facebook and LinkedIn ad accounts

Once you have connected a Facebook or LinkedIn ad account, the following data will populate in Social Media Management:

Ad account data (e.g. campaigns, ad sets, ads, and their insights) from the past two years will be indexed.


In Advertise, data farther than two years back will be visible, however only data up to two years old will be updated alongside any respective campaign changes.

How long is my data stored?

Indexed data is stored in Social Media Management indefinitely unless deleted or requested to be deleted (with the exception of Measure, for which indexed data is stored for two years and three months).

What happens if my channel was disconnected?

From the moment a channel is disconnected, we will stop indexing new data including content, conversations, audience profiles, and page metrics. Find out more about common reasons for disconnections in our help center.

Once you have reconnected a disconnected channel, Social Media Management will automatically begin to replace the missing data in Publish, Engage, Audience, and Measure.

Please bear in mind that the amount of data indexed to cover the disconnected period will be limited to the historical data guides shown above in this article. This means, for example, that if a Facebook channel becomes disconnected for more than 15 days, Social Media Management will still only index posts from the last 15 days upon reconnection.


When a disconnected LinkedIn channel is reconnected, it’s only possible to repopulate data from the last 30 days, rather than the 2 years mentioned in the LinkedIn section above.

What happens if my channel was deleted?

From the moment a channel is deleted, it will no longer be visible in Social Media Management along with all relevant data.

If you decide to connect the channel to Social Media Management again within 24 hours, the data we had indexed during your previous connection will repopulate in Publish, Engage, and Audience. We will also index new data to cover the period your channel was deleted. The new data will be limited to the historical data guides shown above in this article.

If you connect the channel to Social Media Management again after 24 hours, the data we had indexed during your previous connection will not repopulate. The channel will be considered a new channel and we will index limited historical data as shown in the guides above.


Deleting a channel will cause all data to be removed from Measure immediately. Whether or not 24 hours has passed before connecting your channel again, it will be considered a new channel in Measure. Your available historical data in Measure will be limited to the historical data indicated above.

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