Scheduling Email Reports in Benchmark

In Benchmark, you can choose to schedule your Brand Insights and Content Analysis dashboards as email reports in PowerPoint (PPT) format, as well as schedule email reports on outliers and keyword queries in your Content Analysis dashboard, allowing you to share your findings with stakeholders. In this article, find out how to schedule dashboard, outlier, and keyword query reports by email and learn what options are possible for each.

Scheduling PPT reports

You have the option to send and schedule Benchmark PowerPoint (PPT) reports showcasing up to 6 Benchmark brands to both internal Social Media Management users and external stakeholders via email.

  1. In the top-right corner of a Benchmark dashboard, click Schedule to set up a scheduled report.

    Benchmark dashboard schedule report button.png


    The report will be set up with the brands and networks you have selected in your Benchmark dashboard. You can create a report with up to 6 brands selected in your dashboard. If more than 6 brands are selected in your dashboard, the Schedule feature will not be available.Select no more than six brands notification.png

  2. In the scheduling panel under Choose recipients, enter the recipients you would like to share the report with. Search for internal Social Media Management users or teams, or enter email addresses for external stakeholders.Schedule report window.png

  3. Under Manage contents, you will see the brands and networks selected in your Benchmark dashboard. You can adjust the Data toggle to display data for either the last 7 days, week, 30 days, month, or 90 days.
  4. Under Define frequency, select the cadence for how often you would like the report to be generated via email (repeat every week, 2 weeks, month, or 3 months) and on what day of the week.
  5. When ready, click Save and Schedule.

Your report will be delivered on the set cadence and to the users you specified. If you need to edit your report settings, or delete a scheduled report, you can do so via the Manage Reports section in Benchmark’s navigation sidebar.Manage scheduled reports.png

Scheduling outlier reports


Outliers are posts that perform above the brand’s baseline numbers. Visit our help center article on the Content Analysis dashboard to learn how to view your outliers in Benchmark.

You can set up a notification to be notified on a daily or weekly cadence whenever Benchmark detects new outlier posts.

  1. In the top-right corner of a Benchmark dashboard, click Schedule and choose Outliers.


    The report will be set up with the brands and networks you have selected in your Benchmark dashboard.

    Schedule > Outliers.png
  2. In the scheduling panel under Choose recipients, enter the recipients you would like to share the report with. Search for internal Social Media Management users or teams to have the report delivered directly to your stakeholders.Schedule Outlier via email.png
  3. Under Manage contents, you will see the brands and networks selected in your Benchmark dashboard. You can adjust the Based on last toggle to display data for either the last 7 days, week, 30 days, month, or 90 days.
  4. Under Define frequency, select the cadence for how often you would like the report to be generated and sent via email (repeated daily or weekly) and on what day of the week.
  5. When ready, click Save and Schedule.

Once you have scheduled the notification, Benchmark will send an email to the users/teams selected on the set cadence highlighting the number of new outliers in the selected period.


Notifications are not sent immediately when a new post is detected, so this tool is not intended for monitoring/alerting nor recommended as a replacement for crisis alerting.

Scheduling keyword query reports

You can set up a notification to be notified on a daily or weekly cadence whenever new posts appear that match a keyword search you have created in Benchmark.

First, search for the desired keyword(s) in Benchmark’s content feed. Then, schedule the notification.


If you have not entered any search keywords in your dashboard’s search bar, the Query option in Schedule will be disabled.

  1. In the top-right corner of your Benchmark dashboard after adding search keywords in the search bar, click Schedule and choose Query.


    The report will be set up with the brands, networks and post types you have selected in your Benchmark content feed. It will also have the same logic to combine keywords that you used when searching.

    Schedule > Query.png
  2. In the scheduling panel under Choose recipients, enter the recipients you would like to share the report with. Search for internal Social Media Management users or teams to have the report delivered directly to your stakeholders.Schedule query via email.png
  3. Under Manage contents, you will see the brands and networks selected in your Benchmark dashboard. You can adjust the Based on last toggle to display data for either the last 7 days, week, 30 days, month, or 90 days.
  4. Under Define frequency, select the cadence for how often you would like the report to be generated and sent via email (repeated daily or weekly) and on what day of the week.
  5. When ready, click Save and Schedule.

Once you have scheduled the notification, Benchmark will send an email to the users/teams selected on the set cadence highlighting the number of new posts matching the query in the selected period.


Notifications are not sent immediately when a new post is detected, so this tool is not intended for monitoring/alerting nor recommended as a replacement for crisis alerting.

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