Managing Spam in Engage

Stay in control of your conversations in Engage by highlighting any unwanted messages as spam. Once highlighted, you can choose to isolate all spam in one Engage feed and either remove the messages or block the users.

Marking messages as spam


Spam messages will not be detected and marked as spam automatically. To mark messages as spam, you will need to manually identify the content and follow the instructions below.

In Engage, you can mark any type of customer message from any network as spam, including direct messages, reviews, posts, comments, and replies.

While viewing the content in Engage, you can mark a message as spam by hovering over the text, media, or link preview and clicking the Mark as spam (exclamation mark).



Getting a lot of spam on one post? Try using bulk actions in Engage to select more than one comment at once.

Viewing all spam messages

Once you’ve marked necessary items as spam, you can choose to isolate your spam messages in Engage by following the steps below:

  1. In Engage, click Add Feed from the top right corner.
  2. From the new feed options, click Advanced Filters.
  3. Check the box marked Spam.
  4. Click Save Feed.


Your new Engage feed will include only conversations (e.g., posts, reviews, direct messages, mentions) which contain one or more spam messages. At first, when you click into each conversation, you will see all comments/messages in the conversation (and not just the spam messages).

While viewing each conversation, you can filter for spam messages by clicking Filter followed by Marked as spam.


Handling spam messages

While viewing your spam messages, you can hover over the message to add labels, assign to teammates, or delete it (comments and page posts).

For X (Twitter) and Facebook spam messages, you can also choose to permanently block the user by clicking on the user's profile name followed by the block icon on the right-hand side of the page. For more information, visit our help center article blocking users in Engage.

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