Using the Link in Bio Feature in Publish

The Link in Bio feature in Publish is a collaboration between Brandwatch and our partner StoryStream. If your Social Media Management organization has at least one Instagram channel connected, you will see the Link in Bio option in the left side menu in Publish. From there, you can create Link in Bio landing pages with unique URLs, customize them, and select which channels will send content to each page.


Please note that the Link in Bio feature is currently only available for connected Instagram accounts.


For a quick tutorial of the Link in Bio feature, check out our Brandwatch Bites video in Academy.

Creating a Link in Bio page


Only Social Media Management admins and team leaders will have access to create a Link in Bio landing page for channels they have access to.

If your Social Media Management organization has at least one Instagram channel connected, you will see the Link in Bio option in the left side menu in Publish. The Link in Bio menu will display any Link in Bio pages you have already created and also allow you to create new ones.

Click the Create Page button in the top-right corner of the Link in Bio menu to create a new Link in Bio landing page.

Enter in a name for your landing page URL (this will be the custom URL that your followers will use to access your landing page) and select any connected Instagram channels you would like to feature on the page.


One Link in Bio landing page can have multiple channels assigned to it. However, a channel can only be assigned to one Link in Bio landing page at a time. If a channel has already been assigned to an existing Link in Bio page, you will see the channel greyed out and not be able to select it in the Create Page menu.

When you are finished, click Create Page at the bottom of the window and you will see your new Link in Bio page available in the Link in Bio menu. Clicking on the page URL will allow you to see a live version of how your landing page appears.
Screenshot_2023-03-31_at_1.20.26_PM.png Screenshot_2023-03-31_at_1.19.30_PM.png

You also have the option to copy your page URL to your clipboard, or delete your page if needed.


If a page is linked to two channels and a team leader has access to only one of those channels, that team leader will have access to see and edit the landing page, but not delete it.


Customizing your Link in Bio page

When customizing your Link in Bio page, you can change the appearance of your page and edit modules that add more content to your page.


Only Social Media Management admins and team leaders will have access to edit/customize a Link in Bio landing page for channels they have access to.

From the Link in Bio menu, click on the pencil icon next to a Link in Bio page to open the edit options for your page.

The Manage Link in Bio page menu > Page builder tab will show you the editable modules, customizations, and SEO options for your Link in Bio landing page. You can also see a live preview of your landing page as you make changes.


Profile module

The Profile module allows you to add context to your Link in Bio page. Here, you can add a brand icon, page title, and description. Click the pencil icon at the bottom of the module to edit it.



Your Profile picture will be rendered as a 100 x 100 pixel circular image on desktop and 140 x 140 pixel circular image on mobile. Larger images will be cropped centrally and scaled. However, we recommend using an image with a minimum of 280 x 280 pixels to cater to retina displays. All files must be under 5 GB.

Social module

The Social module allows you to add additional social network links to your Link in Bio page. Click the pencil icon at the bottom of the module to edit it. You can add either your account handle or your full account URL.Social module.png

Links module

The Links module allows you to add additional links to your Link in Bio page, such as website links or any link not associated with an instagram post. Click the pencil icon at the bottom of the module to edit it.

Other customization options

When managing your Link in Bio page, you can click the Customize tab to choose a font for your page, set a hex value font color and background color for your page, and add a custom favicon.

Under the SEO tab, you can also add a search engine optimization (SEO) meta title, description, and image. These options allow you to specify a title, description, and image for your page to optimize how it displays in search engine results.


Check out these resources from Google to learn more about optimizing your meta title, meta description, and meta image.


Adding a Link to an Instagram Post via Link in Bio


Any Social Media Management user in your organization who has access to create content will have the option to use the Link in Bio feature when creating an Instagram post.

When creating an Instagram post in Publish, you’ll have the option to add a link to your post using the Link in Bio feature. Based on the Instagram channel you selected, adding a link to your Instagram post will automatically add that Instagram post and link to the posts feed on your connected Link in Bio page. If you are drafting a post, the post and link will appear on your Link in Bio landing page once the post has been published. If you select multiple Instagram channels to post on with different Link in Bio pages assigned, then you will have the option to add a link for each Link in Bio page when creating the post.

While creating an Instagram post, use the Link in Bio panel in the Publish left-hand side menu to add a link to your post. You will also see a blue URL link to the account's connected Link in Bio landing page.Screenshot_2023-03-31_at_1.42.57_PM.png
When you publish the post, you will see the link post you added available in the posts feed on your Link in Bio landing page.Screenshot_2023-03-31_at_1.43.20_PM.png


If needed, you can remove a Link in Bio link from a post via the Link in Bio panel within the Publish editor.

Viewing Link in Bio Page Analytics


Any Social Media Management user who has access to at least one of the channels assigned to a specific Link in Bio page will have access to see that page’s analytics.

From the Link in Bio menu, click View Analytics next to a Link in Bio page to see analytics for the page.

Or, when in the Manage Link in Bio page menu, click the Analytics tab.

When viewing the page analytics, you will see four sections of analytics available. Click the Last 7 days dropdown at the top of the Analytics tab to change the date range to a previous month, or choose Clear to default to the last seven days.


The Activity tab offers the following analytics:

  • Page views: The total number of page views that your Link in Bio page had in the date range specified.
  • Total clicks: The total number of clicks on the Social module, Links module, and content that your Link in Bio page had in the date range specified.
  • CTR (click-through rate): The total number of clicks on the Social module, Links module, and Content module as a percentage of the total number of page views that your Link in Bio page had in the date range specified.

Social module performance

The Social module performance tab offers a breakdown of the total clicks on each social network, ordered by most to least.

High performing links

The High performing links tab offers a breakdown of the total clicks on each link, ordered by most to least.

High performing content

The High performing content tab offers a breakdown of the total clicks on the top five pieces of content, ordered by most to least.


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