Comparing Multiple Listen Searches

If you have multiple Saved Searches in Listen, you can compare up to ten of them at a time for aggregated analysis in your Listen dashboard. Comparing multiple Listen searches can have a number of benefits, from comparing your brand's share of voice with your competitors’ to gauging the success of multiple campaigns side by side. In this article, you’ll learn how to compare Listen insights from multiple searches and create a Multiple Search dashboard.


For a refresher on how to create and save an individual search in Listen, see our article on Creating and Saving Searches.

Adding multiple searches to your Listen dashboard


It’s not possible to add multiple Quick Searches to your Listen dashboard — instead, save the Quick Search as a Saved Search before adding it to your dashboard. Please keep in mind that only Social Media Management users with a user role of Team Leader or Admin can save Quick Searches as a Saved Search.

  1. In Listen, view any existing Saved Search (or, save your search if viewing a Quick Search).
  2. Click Add Saved Search in the navigation bar at the top of your dashboard, and a drop-down menu with your Saved Searches will open. If desired, add up to nine additional Saved Searches to your dashboard (you can compare up to a maximum of ten Saved Searches in each dashboard). Compare up to 10 saved searches in Listen.png
  3. After adding multiple searches, you will see your dashboard components update to display an aggregated analysis of your searches.

Editing a multiple search dashboard

From the Saved Searches menu, you can see which of your search dashboards have multiple searches applied to them. Open the respective dashboard to add or remove searches from it. Click the X icon next to a search in the navigation bar of your dashboard to remove it from that dashboard. 

How does Listen compare data from multiple searches?

When you add multiple Saved Searches to your Listen dashboard, your dashboard will aggregate key insights and metrics from all of the searches you selected, in addition to offering insights broken down by individual search to help you easily compare and benchmark your data.

Your Multiple Search dashboard will include the following components:

Total volume across all searches
Displays the total volumes of four key metrics (Total mentions, Total reach, Total impressions, and Unique authors) across all of the Saved Searches in your dashboard. Click the Settings cog icon on this component to customize which metrics are displayed and add Average followers and repost (retweet) rate if desired.
Total volume by search
Displays the volume of four key metrics (Total mentions, Total reach, Total impressions, and Unique authors) for each individual search in your dashboard. Click on the column headings to automatically sort by each metric.
Mention volume by hour/day/week/month broken down by searches
Displays a line graph of the Mention volume over time for each individual search added to your dashboard. Click on the component drop-down menu to change the time period to Hour, Day, Week, or Month. Click on a segment of the line graph to open its mentions in the mentions Panel.
Mention volume benchmark for searches
Displays the share of voice (Mention volume) for each individual search added to your Dashboard and benchmarks the search volume against the previous period.
Top topics across all searches
Displays a word cloud of the top Keywords, Phrases, People, Hashtags, Locations, Organizations, and Emojis across all of the Saved Searches added to your dashboard. Click on the settings cog icon to customize what types of topics are displayed and how the cloud is configured.
Top topics broken down by searches
Displays a table of the top topics that are mentioned across all of the Saved searches added to your dashboard (Total column) as well as the top topics for each individual search. Click on the column header to see the top topics mentioned within that individual search. The topics are ranked by Mention volume. Clicking on a topic will open its mentions in the Mentions panel. 
Sentiment volume across all searches
Displays a donut chart of the aggregate Sentiment — the share of voice between positive, negative, and neutral Mention volumes across all of the Saved Searches in your dashboard. Click on a slice of the chart to open its mentions in the Mentions panel.
Sentiment volume broken down by searches
Displays a percentage bar chart showing the Sentiment share of voice for each individual search in your dashboard. Hover over any area on the chart to see the Mention volume and percentage for that category. Click on a section of the bar to open its mentions in the Mentions panel. 
Platform volume broken down by searches
Displays a percentage bar chart showing the platform share of voice for each individual search in your dashboard. Hover over any area on the chart to see the Platform volume and percentage for that category. Click on a section of the bar to see its mentions by platform in the Mentions Panel.
Top sites broken down by searches
Displays the top ten sites with the highest Mention volume across all of the searches in your dashboard (Total column) and for each individual search. Click on any column header to see the top sites where conversations took place for that individual search. Sites are ranked by Mention volume. Click on a site to see its mentions in the Mentions panel.
Top authors broken down by searches
Displays the top ten authors with the highest Mention volume across all searches in your dashboard (Total column) and for each individual search. Click on any column header to see the top authors that contributed to conversations within that individual search. Authors are ranked by Mention volume. Click on an author to see its mentions in the Mentions panel. 
Top hashtags broken down by searches
Displays the top ten hashtags with the highest Mention volume across all searches in your dashboard (Total column) and for each individual search. Click on any column header to see the top mentioned hashtags from that individual search. Hashtags are ranked by Mention volume. Click on a site to see its mentions in the Mentions panel.
Mention volume by countries broken down by searches
Displays a heat map where conversations are taking place by country. The volume shading on the heat map represents the total aggregation of volume by country across all of the Saved Searches in your dashboard. Click on the Total column to see the total volume for the top 10 countries for all searches. The remaining columns show the volume from each country for each individual search. Click on any column header to see the top countries where conversations took place for that individual search, ranked by Mention volume.
Mentions panel
Displays all Mentions from all searches in the same manner that Mentions display for a single search dashboard. By default, search terms will be highlighted in the panel so you can distinguish which search a given Mention is from. For a deeper look at what data is available in the Mentions panel, see our article on Viewing Listen Mentions.


If the same Mention exists in the multiple searches that you add to your dashboard, it is displayed once for each search it is brought into.

Exporting insights from a multiple search dashboard


At this time, creating Alerts, scheduling reports, and exporting files of individual dashboard components is not supported for dashboards with multiple searches.

Exporting Mentions from multiple searches

Multiple search mentions can be exported as a PDF from your dashboard using the same process as exporting mentions from an individual search. For more information on exporting mentions, see our article on Exporting Mentions in Listen.

Exporting a PDF report of multiple searches

Multiple search reports can be exported as a PDF from your dashboard using the same process as exporting a PDF report for an individual search. For more information on exporting PDF reports, see our article on Exporting Insights in Listen.

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