Social Media Management's advertising tools may not work as expected when an ad blocker is enabled on a web browser. To ensure the optimal level of performance when using the platform, add Social Media Management to the whitelist of any ad-blocking extensions on your web browser.
Whitelisting Social Media Management on Adblock
- Open your web browser.
- Select the Adblock icon.
- Select Don't run on pages on this domain.
- Press Exclude upon pop up.
Whitelisting Social Media Management on Adblock Plus
- Open your web browser.
- Select AdBlock Plus icon.
- Press Enabled on this site.
Whitelisting Social Media Management on Ublock
- Open your web browser.
- Select the uBlock icon.
- Click the options (cog) icon.
- Select the Whitelist tab.
- Enter on a new line
- Click Apply changes.
If you require further assistance, please reach out to our Support team.