Filtering in Content and Label Performance Widgets

Get a better understanding of your performance by narrowing down the posts to display in your Content or Label Performance widget. Using the available filtering options, you can choose to include or exclude posts based on their labels, media type, promotion status, visibility, placement, and ad account. This article will show you how to apply the different filtering options.

Applying and removing content performance filters

To get started filtering your posts in a Content or Label Performance dashboard, please follow the steps below:

  1. Visit any Content or Label Performance dashboard, or any dashboard containing a Content or Label Performance widget. Click the ellipsis (three dots) icon in the top-right corner, then click Edit.
  2. Click Filter on the top right of a widget in the dashboard.
  3. Choose from the filter options available.
  4. Choose + Add New Filter to add more filters if applicable.
  5. Click Save Changes.

At any time, you can choose to add more filters or remove filters by following the steps below:

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Select Filter on the top right of the widget.
  3. Choose either + Add New Filter or Remove this filter as shown below.
  4. Click Save Changes.


Please see below for more information on the different filter options available.

Labels filter

If you have applied labels to your posts, you can use the Labels filter to view posts which have had any labels applied, posts which match only certain labels, or posts which are unlabeled. You can choose from the options listed below:


Containing any of (specified labels)
After choosing one or more labels, posts that match any of the chosen labels will be displayed.
Containing all of (specified labels)
After choosing one or more labels, posts containing all of the chosen labels will be displayed.
With any label
Posts which have had any labels applied will be displayed.
Without label
Only unlabeled posts will be displayed.


Exclude posts with any of (specified labels)
All posts containing at least one of the selected labels will be removed from the widget.
Exclude posts with all of (specified labels)
All posts containing all of the labels selected will be removed from the widget.


If you have selected the Without label option, the Excluding option will be disabled.

Measure labels filter.png

Type filter

Choosing the Type filter allows you to choose which types of posts you’d like to include in your widget. You can select one or more options from the list below:

Posts that contain images (e.g. single image, multiple image, Instagram carousel, and album posts).
Posts containing videos (e.g. video posts or Instagram reel posts).
Text posts with any link attachments. Posts with a link in the text but no link attachment will not be included. If image/video posts contain links, they will still be classified as image and video posts respectively.
Posts that contain text only. Posts with any media or link attachments will not be included.
LinkedIn and X (Twitter) poll posts. The widget will display a thumbnail for the poll post along with the message of the post or question of the poll.
LinkedIn document posts. The widget will display a thumbnail for the document post along with the message of the post or the title of the document.

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 11.38.42 AM.png

Promotion status filter

Using the Promotion Status filter, you can choose between Promoted and Not Promoted to include or exclude Facebook or Instagram posts which have received paid impressions.


Currently this filter is only applicable to Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter) content. Choosing Not Promoted will exclude promoted posts from these networks, but both promoted and organic content from other networks will still be included.


Post visibility filter

Choosing the Post Visibility filter allows you to view only Facebook and Instagram posts which are either dark, or else visible on your page’s timeline.

By default, dark posts with no reach will be excluded from your Content Performance widget. Using the Dark Visibility filter, you can choose to include those without reach.


Currently, this filter is only applicable to Facebook and Instagram content. Choosing Timeline will include timeline posts from Facebook and Instagram along with all posts from other networks. Choosing Dark will only include Facebook and Instagram dark posts.


Placement filter

With the Placement filter, you can narrow down your content to include only Timeline (page) posts, Instagram Stories, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts.


Due to API restrictions, Facebook stories cannot be included in Measure dashboards. Choosing Story when adding a Placement filter will only display Instagram stories.


Ad account filter

Applying the Ad Account filter allows you to filter your widgets by Facebook promoted posts associated with a specific Facebook ad account you have connected to Advertise. When you apply the filter, you will have the option to search for your connected ad account. Screenshot

Meta ad platform filter

With the Meta ad platform filter, you can analyze the performance of your paid activity in any of the platforms used when placing ads in Meta. These platforms are:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Messenger
  • Audience network

Meta ad platform filter menu.png

When a Meta ad platform or platforms are selected, the widget will return the list of posts placed in the selected platform(s) with only the paid metrics associated with them.Meta ad platform filter.pngPlatform hover over pop up.png


For the Meta ad platform filter to be enabled, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a Meta ad account connected in Social Media Management
  • Be an admin of that ad account
  • Have a paid metric selected on the widget

The Meta ad platform filter will only apply to the paid Facebook content metrics available in Measure.FB paid content metrics.png

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