Exporting Insights in Listen

Exports allow you to download individual Dashboard components in a variety of formats from your Saved Searches, or create a custom PDF report of the specific components you would like to export.

What types of searches can I export?

In Listen, any Social Media Management user can choose to export components from any existing Saved Search.


It’s not possible to export Quick Searches — instead, users will need to save the Quick Search as a Saved Search before exporting. Please bear in mind that only Social Media Management users with a user role of Team Leader or Admin can save Quick Searches as a Saved Search.

For more information on the difference between Quick Searches and Saved Searches, see our article on Quick Search vs. Saved Search.

What data will I see in my export?

You can export individual Dashboard components from Listen in either JPG/JPEG, PNG, or CSV format, or create a PDF report to export multiple Dashboard components at a time and add notes. If you have applied any customizations to your Saved Search components before export, such as filters, changes to the date range, or changes to the components (e.g. change of chart dimensions), the changes will be reflected in your export(s).

The following components can be exported individually, or in a combined report:

  • Total volume
  • Mention volume over time
  • Mention volume by day of the week and hour
  • Word cloud
  • Mention volume benchmark
  • Sentiment volume
  • Sentiment volume over time
  • Emotion volume
  • Emotion volume over time
  • Top shared URLs
  • Top sites
  • Top authors
  • Top hashtags
  • Top interests
  • Top languages
  • Gender split
  • Volume by countries
  • Topic wheel


Exporting individual Mentions (as displayed in the Mentions column on the right-hand side of your Saved Search) is possible by clicking Export in the Mentions panel. For more information on exporting individual Mentions, see our article on Exporting Mentions in Listen.

Exporting individual dashboard components

  1. In Listen, view any existing Saved Search (or, save your search if viewing a Quick Search).
  2. In any individual component, click the download arrow icon in the top right corner of the component and select your preferred file format to download.



You can choose to export individual Dashboard components as either a JPG/JPEG, PNG, or CSV file, with the exception of the Topic Wheel component, which is only available to download as either a JPG/JPEG or PNG file.

A notification indicating that your file is being generated will appear in the bottom right corner of the page. Shortly after, your file will download automatically and save to your computer as specified in the downloads location settings of your browser.

Exporting a PDF report

  1. In Listen, view any existing Saved Search (or save your search if viewing a Quick Search).
  2. From the top right, click Create Report.
  3. From the drop-down menu, click Export as PDF. Listen_Export_as_PDF.png
  4. A preview window will open where you can customize your PDF before downloading it. If desired, enter a summary for your report. Then, click the drop-down menu under Select the charts you want to export, and select which charts you’d like to include in your export (if you select none, all charts will be added by default). Screen_Shot_2022-06-23_at_1.39.56_PM.png
  5. If desired, add notes under each chart, and then click Export PDF at the bottom of the preview window. dc8d3633-26fb-4ff4-982e-52da3e0fad5f.png

A notification indicating that your file is being generated will appear in the bottom right corner of the page. Shortly after, the file (export.pdf) will download automatically and save to your computer as specified in the downloads location settings of your browser.

Exporting insights for a multiple search dashboard

You can export a PDF report from a Multiple Search Dashboard using the same process as exporting a PDF report for an individual search. You can select to include any of the aggregated search analytics available in your report. For more information on Multiple Search Dashboards and the aggregated analytics available, see our article on Comparing Multiple Listen Searches.


At this time, scheduling reports and exporting files of individual Dashboard components is not supported for Dashboards with multiple searches.

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