Paying Influencers


The Payments tool is available to full-suite Influence clients. If you are interested in Influence’s full suite, please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for details.

After you have configured payments in Influence and invited influencers to receive payments, you’ll be ready to start sending payments to your influencers from Influence.


For a quick tutorial on inviting your influencers to receive payments and sending payments, visit our Academy video:

Sending a payment to an influencer

From the Payments tool dashboard, click New Payment in the top-right corner.Payments tool dashboard.png


You can also pay influencers directly from the Influencers CRM or the Campaigns tool.Filter influencer by payable then click pay.pngFrom campaigns tool, select influencers then click pay.png

Either search for the name of an influencer who has completed their payment details form, or you can filter for eligible influencers to pay by campaign.Search for influencer to pay.pngFilter by campaign.png

After selecting payees, you can specify the amount to pay them as well as their preferred currency.Select currency.png


You can select up to 120+ different currencies that Tipalti supports. If the submitted currency is different from the payee currency, Tipalti will handle the exchange rate and the conversion (fee applies). In your Tipaliti account, you can specify whether the exchange rate fee/payment fee should be borne by the payee or the recipient.

When paying an influencer, you can also assign them to a campaign (if they aren’t already assigned to one) and/or leave a reference note on the payment that will appear on the influencer’s bank statement.New payment screen.pngAssigning a transaction to a campaign.pngAdd reference note to influencer's bank statement.png

When ready, click Submit Payment in the top-right corner of the payments screen to finalize your payment(s).


You will be redirected to the Submitting Payments screen while your payments process. The process may take some time so please do not refresh your screen while the processing completes. All of your information will be erased upon refreshing and this action is not reversible.Submitting payment screen (do not refresh the page(.png

When your payments processing completes, you will see a confirmation message that your payment has submitted successfully.Payment successfully submitted confirmation.png


If you had assigned a payment transaction to a campaign, you will be asked if you would like to change the influencer’s status in the campaign to Paid. This option will only be available if you have the influencer onboarding feature enabled for your campaign.Change influencer status to paid.png


If your payment does not complete, you will receive an error message. If the payment could not be completed due to an error with our platform, you will be provided instructions to chat with our Support team.Payment cannot be submitted Influence side error message with ID.png

If your payment could not be completed due to an error on Tipalti’s side, you will be provided a link to Tipalti’s Support.Payment cannot be submitted error message.png

Checking payment history

The Payments tool dashboard will display your payments history to influencers.Transactions in payment screen.png


Recent payments will display with the Pending status as it may take Tipalti around 1-2 business days to handle the transaction.


If you enabled the approval flow in Tipalti, you must approve the transaction on Tipalti in order to complete the payment and for the influencer to be paid.

Within an influencer’s profile Payment Details, you can view a history of payments to a specific influencer.Influencer's payment history in payment details.png

In the Campaigns tool, an aggregated amount of total payments made to influencers will display on the dashboard of a campaign.Payment details in campaigns.png

Payment history on the influencer's side

An influencer will see a history of payments to them within their influencer dashboard.Payment details in influencer's dashboard.png

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