Label Performance Widget

The Label performance widget is a content widget that shows the lifetime performance of published posts you have labeled in Social Media Management. You can specify the date range for the widget and select which labels you have created to display in the widget. Its data will refresh regularly as we receive updates from the networks. Use this widget to organize your data more granularly—for example, you can apply specific labels to posts based on campaign, product/service, market/region, etc., and then view those labels' performance in Measure. You can export your widget as part of a dashboard to report on your labeled post metrics.

The Label performance widget supports all networks. You can select up to six metrics per widget, and you can visualize your data using either of following two views: 

  • List view
  • Bubble view


Any posts without a label will be grouped under Posts without label. For unlabeled posts, you can see the number and the percentage of posts created in the selected period, along with their combined post metrics. To filter out unlabeled posts from your widget, add a label filter in the widget with the option Containing any label.

The Label performance widget supports the following customizations:

The Label performance widget also supports over 100 metrics, although their availability will vary widely from network to network. Please see our dedicated network metrics guides for more info: 

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