Paid Performance Dashboard Template

The Paid performance dashboard template offers a comprehensive overview of your paid performance on Facebook. It includes both channel and content metrics. You can also use this dashboard template to view your paid Instagram content performance.  

Please note that your Facebook ad account must be connected in order to view the content metrics in this dashboard template

Widget Name Widget Type Metrics
Channel comparison of paid metrics Channel comparison Paid fans increase, paid impressions, paid reach (daily) avg., paid video views (3s)
Paid content performance Content performance Spent, paid impressions (ads), paid engagements, cost per engagement, paid link clicks, total conversion value
Promoted conversions Content performance Spent, landing page views, add to cart, purchase, purchase value, purchase ROI
Promoted links performance Content performance Paid clicks, paid link clicks
Promoted video performance Content performance Paid video views (ads), paid video views (50%)
Fans Key metrics Fans, paid fans increase
Paid labelled performance Label performance Paid impressions (ads), spent, paid engagements, cost per engagement, paid link clicks
Paid fans increase Time series Paid fans increase
Paid impressions/reach Time series Paid impressions, paid reach (daily)

Screenshot of Paid performance dashboard template

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