Facebook Overview Dashboard Template

The Facebook overview dashboard template features a wide range of metrics measuring distribution, engagement, fans data, and more. Use this template to build a broad summary of your Facebook channel and content performance. 

Widget Name Widget Type Metrics
Reactions Breakdown Reactions by type
Performance by channel Channel comparison Impressions, fans, reach (daily) avg., interactions, net new fans
Content performance Content performance Engagements, reach avg., paid reach avg., frequency, engagement rate (reach), clicks
Paid performance Content performance Paid impressions (ads), spent, paid link clicks, paid video views (ads), paid engagements, cost per engagement
Average daily page reach Key Metrics Reach (daily) avg., paid reach (daily) avg.
Page interactions Key Metrics Interactions, reactions
Viral vs. Non-viral (daily) avg. Key Metrics Non-viral reach (daily) avg., viral reach (daily) avg.
Label performance Label performance Impressions, engagements, engagement rate, video views, link clicks
Daily fans Time series Fans
Daily interactions Time series Interactions
Daily non-viral and viral reach Time series Non-viral reach (daily), viral reach (daily)
Daily reach Time series Reach (daily), paid reach (daily)

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