Auto-Boosting Posts and Tracking Performance

In Advertise, you can set up auto-boosting of your posts based on a desired performance metric goal, such as engagement rate, reach, impressions, etc. You can then set up rule labels to track the performance of your auto-boosted posts in a Measure. In this article, learn how to set up auto-boosting in Advertise and how to track these posts in a Measure widget.


At this time, the auto-boost feature is only available for Facebook posts.

Setting up auto-boosting in Advertise

When you set up a rule to auto-boost your posts in Advertise, you’ll have the option create a rule label that will automatically be applied to those posts when they’re boosted. You can then use the rule label to track the performance of your boosted posts in Measure.


After you set up a rule, posts will be auto-boosted according to your rule parameters once the data for the rule is available in Measure and matches the conditions you have set for the rule.

  1. In Advertise, select Auto-boost in the left-hand navigation sidebar, then click Create New Rule in the top-right corner of the Auto-boost menu.Auto-boost menu in Advertise.png
  2. In step 1 of the Auto-boost setup, name your rule. Select the channel that the rule should apply to and select the ad account to boost your posts from. As an optional step, you can apply a rule label to track your boosted posts for the purpose of reporting on them in Measure. The chosen label will be automatically applied to every post boosted by the rule.Auto-boost setup step 1.png


    You can apply an existing label as a rule label, though we recommend creating a new and unique label for every rule. If you would like to track the total performance of all rules, we recommend that you also add a second, "total" tracking label that is the same for all rules you would like to track.Rule setup with total label added.png

  3. In step 2, choose a metric condition for your rule to auto-boost posts. You can select from Engagement rate, Engagements, Reactions, Impressions, or Comments and add a goal for the metric. Check the Filter matching posts by labels checkbox to further filter the matching posts based on what labels are/aren't applied to them (these labels are separate from your rule label). You can search for labels to add and customize your filter with either the Labels include any of, Labels include all of, or Labels do not include any of options.Auto-boost setup step 2.png
  4. In step 3, select an ad objective and specify your ad budget and duration (this will apply per single boosted post). For audience targeting, you can choose a Saved Audience to view your ads, or Target Manually.Auto-boost setup step 3.png
  5. In step 4, enter the email addresses of any users who should be notified about auto-boost activity from the rule.Notifications in auto boost setup.png


    Users you enter to receive notifications will receive email and in-app alerts about every successful and every failed auto boost.

  6. When you are satisfied with your auto-boost rule setup, click Create Rule. After saving, you will be returned to the Auto-boost menu and see a notification in the top-right corner of Advertise that your auto-boost rule was created successfully.


    You will not be able to edit your rule once saved, so please ensure that your setup is correct to your preferences before saving.

Tracking auto-boosted post activity in Advertise

From the Auto-boost menu in Advertise, select the Filter icon next to see the statistics of all ads boosted by the rule.View ad statistics for rule.png

Tracking auto-boosted post performance in Measure

In Measure, you can track the performance of your auto-boosted posts in either a Content Performance or Label Performance dashboard. We recommend using the Label Performance dashboard template for a more straightforward experience in tracking multiple auto-boost labels.

  1. In Measure, click Create Dashboard in the top-right corner, then select the Label performance template.Measure Build our own dashboard.png
  2. Name your dashboard and select your Facebook channels to include in the dashboard.4. measure-choose-channels.png
  3. In the top-right corner of your dashboard, you can click the Actions (three dots) icon > Edit to edit your dashboard widgets if needed.Edit Measure dashboard.png
  4. After clicking to edit your dashboard, click Actions (three dots) > Edit metrics in the top-right corner of a widget to customize your metrics. Select your desired metrics to include in the widget. Enter the name of your auto-boost rule when naming your widget, and then click Create widget.Edit widget metrics.pngSet up auto-boosted rule widget.png


    Use the Label performance widget to track the totals for each rule and all rules combined, if you've applied a total label to your rules.

    Use the Content performance widget to track different auto-boosted posts' performance in a rule, multiple rules, or all rules.

  5. In edit mode on your dashboard, click the Filter icon on your widget and select Labels. Enter the name of your auto-boost rule label in the label search box. You can choose to contain or exclude specific labels using the dropdown options. Click Save changes, and your widget will update with your desired performance metrics for your labeled auto-boosted posts. Please take care to save your Measure dashboard as well.


    For a Label performance widget, we recommend filtering by Label > Containing any of > Select all of the unique labels applied to auto-boost rules, plus the one label applied to all rules (for a total), if applicable. We recommend updating the filter after adding new rules or removing unnecessary ones.

    For a Content performance widget, we recommend filtering a single rule by its unique label. For multiple rules, filter by their unique labels. For all rules, we recommend filtering by the "total" label you applied to all rules to track total auto-boost performance.

    Select Labels filter in widget.pngApply auto-boosted rule label in labels filter.png5. measure-dashboard-setup.png

FAQs and troubleshooting

I have a user who would like to create a rule but does not have access to the respective ad account.

If, during rule creation, a user selects a channel and no ad accounts appear in the drop-down menu, they might not have sufficient access to at least one ad account linked to that channel. 

To resolve this issue, we recommend:

  • Ensuring that the user has Advertiser access to the required ad account in Social Media Management. (In your Social Media Management Settings > Ad accounts, click on the ad account and make sure the user is assigned an Advertiser role).
  • Ensure that the necessary ad account is connected/reconnected to Social Media Management by a user who has the appropriate native access to both the channel and the ad account. (In your Social Media Management Settings > Ad accounts, click Connect Ad Accounts). It is important that the person connecting/reconnecting the ad account in Social Media Management also has native access to the corresponding channel.

The above troubleshooting also applies if the user sees some ad accounts in the dropdown but not the one they need. Once the above two conditions are met, the ad account should appear in the dropdown.

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