Deprecation of Facebook Metrics in Measure

As of September 16, 2024, Meta is deprecating a number of Page Insights metrics, which will impact the available Facebook channel-level and content-level metrics as well as reporting in Measure going forward. Please see Meta’s official announcement for full information. This means that the deprecated Facebook metrics will no longer be supported in Measure widgets going forward.

The deprecated metrics will still be available in our Key metrics, Time series, Channel comparison, Network comparison, Demographics, and Geographics widgets, as well as in Measure exports and the Measure API. However, these metrics will not be updated with new data, and can only be used for historical purposes.

The following metrics will be deprecated on September 16, 2024:

Channel-level metrics

Metric Definition Widget in Measure

The number of clicks on any active part of your channel or its posts during the selected date range (e.g. clicks on a photo to preview it, clicks on a video to play it, clicks on a link to view it in a new browser tab, clicks on a hashtag or a mention, clicks on the name of a page, etc).

This metric does not include clicks to like, comment, or share.

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Clicks by type The number of clicks on any active part of your channel or its posts during the selected date range, broken down by type.

Types of clicks include: clicks on images, clicks on videos, clicks on links, clicks on hashtags or mentions, clicks on your Page name, and other clicks.
Engagements The number of new reactions, comments, and shares during the selected date range across all posts.

To include
clicks, please use the Interactions metric.
Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Engagement rate The ratio of engagements to impressions during the selected date range across all posts to the channel, represented as a percentage.

Formula: ((Reactions + Comments + Shares) / Impressions) x 100
Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Engagement rate (Reach)

The percentage of people who engage with your posts after seeing it.

Formula: 100 * (Reactions + Comments + Shares + Saves (for Instagram)) / Reach

Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison 
Fans online by hour The times of day that your channel's fans are most active on Facebook, broken down by hour (PST/PDT). Breakdown
Link clicks The number of clicks to open a link during the selected date range across all posts. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison 
Negative actions The number negative actions taken on your channel during the selected date range.

Types of negative actions actions include: unliking the channel, hiding its posts, or reporting posts as spam.
Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Negative actions by type The number negative actions taken on your channel during the selected date range, broken down by type.

Types of negative actions actions include: unliking the channel, hiding its posts, or reporting posts as spam.
Negative fans The number of people who took negative actions on your channel during the selected date range. If a person takes multiple negative actions in a single day, they will only be counted once.

Types of negative actions actions include: unliking the channel, hiding its posts, or reporting posts as spam.
Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison 
Other clicks The number of other click types during the selected date range across all posts.

Examples of other clicks include: clicks to select text, clicks on hashtags or mentions, and clicks on the page name.
Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Photo clicks The number of clicks to enlarge an image during the selected date range across all posts. Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison
Reach by country The number of people during the selected date range who viewed at least one of your posts, broken down by country of origin. Only the top 45 countries are included. Geographics
Reach by age and gender The number of people during the selected date range who viewed at least one of your posts, broken down by age and gender. Demographics
Video plays The number of clicks to play a video during the selected date range across all posts. The video must play for at least 3 seconds. This metric includes Reels.

To include replays/auto-replays, please use
video views.
Key Metrics, Channel Comparison, Time Series, Network Comparison 

Content-level metrics

Metric Definition Widget in Measure
Engaged users The people that liked, commented, shared, or clicked a post. Use the average to get accurate aggregated number of people who engaged on average per post published during the period.

This metric includes non-fans.
Content performance, Label performance
Engaged users rate The ratio of the post's lifetime engaged users to its lifetime reach, represented as a percentage.

Formula: (Engaged Users / Reach) x 100
Content performance, Label performance
Engaged fans The fans that liked, commented, shared, or clicked a post. Use the average to get accurate aggregated number of fans who engaged on average per post published during the period.

This metric does
not include non-fans.
Content performance, Label performance
Negative feedback The lifetime number of negative actions attributed to the post.

Examples of negative actions include: hiding or reporting the post, unfollowing or unliking your channel, etc.
Content performance, Label performance
Negative users The people who performed a negative action on a post such as hiding it, reporting it, or unfollowing the page. Use the average to get accurate aggregated number of people who negatively engaged on average per post published during the period. Content performance, Label performance
Report as spam The lifetime number of clicks from users to report the post as spam. Content performance, Label performance
Unlike page The lifetime number of people who unfollowed the channel because of the post. Content performance, Label performance

The following metrics were deprecated on March 14, 2024:

Channel-level metrics

Metric Definition Widget in Measure

Channel profile views by logged in/out

The number of times your channel was viewed during the selected date range, broken down by logged-in viewers and logged-out viewers. Breakdown
Comments The number of new comments during the selected date range across all posts. This metric includes replies to comments. Key Metrics, Channel comparison, Time series, Network comparison
Engaged users The number of people who engaged with your channel (e.g. reacted, commented, shared) and clicked on your channel or its posts during the selected date range. Key Metrics, Channel comparison, Time series, Network comparison
Engagement stories by type

The breakdown of the types of Page content activity during the selected date range, including page and user posts, mentions, and questions. For this metric, "stories" does not refer to the post type but to certain activity on your Page.

Types of Page content activity include: Page posts, Page mentions, Page likes, and Other.

Fans by age and gender The number of people who liked your channel as of the selected end date, broken down by age and gender. Demographics
Fans decrease by unlike source

The number of people during the selected date range who unliked your channel, broken down by unlike source.

Sources for unlikes include: Deactivated or Memorialized Account Removals, Suspicious Account Removals, Unlikes from Page/Posts/News Feed, Unlikes from Search, and Other

Fans increase by like source

The number of people during the selected date range who liked your channel, broken down by like source.

Sources for likes include: Ads, News Feed, Page Suggestions, Restored Likes from Reactivated Accounts, Search, and Your Page.

Frequency (distribution) The ratio of impressions to reach during the selected date range across all posts, broken down by average distribution. Breakdown
Positive actions by type

The number of positive actions taken (e.g. reacted, commented, shared, or RSVP’d) during the selected date range across all posts. This does not include stories.

Types of positive actions include: answers, claims, comments, likes, links, RSVPs, and other. Likes include care reactions but not any other reaction type (e.g. Love, Haha, Wow, etc.)


The number of new shares during the selected date range across all posts.

Key Metrics, Channel comparison, Time series, Network comparison
Storytellers by age and gender

The number of people who took action on your Page during the selected date range, broken down by age and gender.

Storytellers by country

The number of people who took action on your Page during the selected date range, broken down by country of origin. Only the top 45 countries are included.

Actions include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place.

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