Notice: LinkedIn Posts Processing Error

We would like to inform you about an issue related to LinkedIn posts that may affect your experience.

From May 13-30, 2023, we encountered a temporary incident where posts on LinkedIn had significant processing times. Although the issue was resolved by LinkedIn's engineering team, they informed us that the fix would only apply to new posts and would not impact retroactive posts that were stuck in the Processing status.

However, we have since received confirmation from LinkedIn's engineering team that the fix has also affected posts that were processing retroactively. This means that posts that were previously stuck in Processing status in May could have now been published over the weekend of June 24 - 25, 2023.

If you have a LinkedIn channel connected to Brandwatch, we advise that you review the channel's publishing history over this time period to check that no retroactive posts that were stuck in Processing status have been unintentionally published to your LinkedIn channel. 

Unfortunately, deleting LinkedIn posts after they have been published is not possible through our platform. If you have posts that were unintentionally published to your LinkedIn channel, you will need to delete them natively from LinkedIn, as LinkedIn's API does not allow for deletion via external sources.

If no unintended content has been published to your LinkedIn channel, then no further action is required.

If you require further information, please feel free to reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or our Customer Support team. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

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