Connecting a Bitly Account to Influence

Influence’s integration with Bitly gives you the opportunity to add and track Bitly links to your campaigns to see your link clicks along with your other campaign post metrics all in one place. Get step-by-step instructions in this article to connect your Bitly account to Influence and start tracking your links in campaigns.

Connecting your Bitly account

To connect your Bitly Account to Influence, click on Settings in the left-hand sidebar. Once in Settings, click on the Campaigns tab.

Click the button in the tab to connect your Bitly account. You may be prompted with a popup to select which Bitly group you'd like to use with Influence. If so, please choose the group that corresponds to your preferred Bitly's account name natively, then click Select.  

Once connected, you will see your Bitly account’s associated email in the tab with a green Account connected indicator. Click on the Disconnect button next to your account to disconnect it for any reason.

Tracking Bitly links in campaigns

Once your Bitly account is connected, you can start adding and/or creating Bitly links to be included in any of your campaigns. The Campaigns tool will only be able to track links that have been created within the connected Bitly account, and if you create new Bitly links directly within the Campaigns tool, these links will be added to the connected Bitly account.

To add a Bitly link to your campaign, go to your campaign and click the Settings tab > Bitly Links.

Here, you can create new Bitly links, or you can add in any existing Bitly links from your connected Bitly account.

Once your links are added, you can navigate to the Posts tab in your campaign, select a post, and select any of the Bitly links you've added to the campaign. Any clicks that this Bitly link has received will automatically show in the post’s campaign performance going forward.

You can add Bitly links or manual links as well as manually add link-click statistics if needed for the following post types:

  • YouTube: Videos
  • Facebook: Photo, Video, Text, Carousel
  • TikTok: Video
  • X (Twitter): Image, Video, Text
  • Instagram: Story, Carousel, Image
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