Generating Influencer Reports in Discover

Influencer reports allow you to take a deeper dive into an influencer’s analytics, such as their audience demographics, followers quality, lookalikes, and much more. In the following article we explain how to request influencer reports in Discover, what details influencer reports provide, and how to export or share influencer reports.

Creating an influencer report

You can generate an influencer report from Discover in the following ways:

  • By requesting a report via the search bar at the top of the Discover page.
  • When clicking the Analyze button next to the search results.
  • When requesting a report via the New Report button under the Reports tab.


Requesting an Instagram or YouTube influencer report using any of these methods will use one Report token. You will receive a warning pop-up informing you that an action will cost a token.

For the remainder of 2024, TikTok influencer reports will not require a report token.

Influencer reports are limited to three reports for Trial Influence users and 250 reports for Standard users. Reports are unlimited for Premium users. Standard users will receive an email notification when they have reached 90% of their report limit.

Requesting a report via the search bar

If you have a specific influencer in mind for your search, you can generate a report for that specific influencer directly using the search bar in Discover.

Navigate to the search bar at the top of the Discover and select the social media platform that is relevant to you (i.e. Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok).


Influence can only generate influencer reports for TikTok accounts that have joined TikTok's Creator Marketplace. For more information, visit our TikTok-specific information in Authenticating Social Accounts in Influence.

Then, enter the influencer's handle or the account URL and press Enter. Select the relevant influencer that appears in the search dropdown.

When you select the influencer, you’ll see a warning pop-up indicating that it will cost one token to analyze your influencer. Click Analyze to proceed, and your report will be visible.


Requesting a report using the Analyze button

When you run a Discover search by selecting filters and clicking the Search button in the left-hand sidebar, your search will return multiple influencers and you can click the Analyze button next to the influencer to generate a report for them.


When you click the Analyze button, you’ll receive a pop-up warning that the action will cost one Report token if your Influence license has a limited number of Report tokens per month. Click Analyze again to proceed, and your report will be visible.

Requesting a report via the Reports tab

When you navigate to the Reports tab in Discover, you’ll find the + New report button in the upper-right corner of the page to directly generate a report for a specific influencer.

Click + New report, select a social media platform, and enter the influencer's exact handle or an account URL. Click Generate report and your report will be visible.

Viewing your influencer reports

After you generate an influencer report using any of the above methods, you and all of your team members will be able to view the report under the Reports tab in Discover. The Reports tab will include a list of all of your generated reports and display the social media platform the report's analytics reflects and the date a report was issued. Click on the View button next to a report to view it in Influence.

To search across all reports using a keyword, click on the magnifying glass icon to activate the search bar. You can also use the social platform icons to sort your reports by All platforms or by Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok respectively. Use the Sort by filter to sort your reports by Name or Generated at (report issue date), and by ascending or descending order if desired.

What data is provided in an influencer report?

Influencer reports provide three main data categories — Account, Audience, and Posts — with each category including subcategories of metrics such as Account Analytics, Audience Age & Gender, Audience Location, or Follower Quality.

Influencer report Audience section.png


The amount and type of data available in an influencer report is dependent on the social platform selected and how active the specific influencer is. More data will be available for certain social platforms and more active influencers. Hover over the tooltip next to each metric in an influencer report to get a detailed description of what data is available, or visit our Discover Metrics article to see a full list.

Account data

The Account section of an influencer report will help you gauge the health of the influencer’s account. Under Analytics, KPIs such as Followers Credibility will help you estimate how real the influencer's follower base is. The Followers Growth graph will show whether an account evolves organically and naturally over time, or if there are some bumps due to events or actions such as buying followers or drastically losing them.

Just below the Followers Growth graph, you’ll find the Engagement Rate graph, which helps you understand how good the influencer's engagement rate is compared to other profiles with a similar number of followers. The further right on the graph the influencer places, the better their engagement is.

Other information included in the Account data is the influencer’s Account Brand Affinity and Account Interests, which can help you understand an influencer’s brand environment and the type of collaborations the influencer is involved in. The Account Lookalikes tab analyzes profiles that are similar to the influencer in terms of their topics and content.

Audience data

For influencers you consider working with, it is a good idea to analyze their followers or subscribers. The Audience section of the influencer report will help you understand whether or not an influencer is a good fit for you in terms of audience and also how valuable their followers are for your purposes. You can choose between Likes and Followers for Instagram, or Subscribers and Comments for YouTube.

Under Audience Quality, take a look at the Credibility and Reachability metrics to get an estimation of how real the influencer's audience base is and a prediction of how likely it is for the audience to see the content of the analyzed influencer. For example, users that follow more than 1,500 other accounts are less likely to come across your influencer's content, as their feed will be full of clutter.

The Audience section also includes a breakdown of the audience demographics to help you understand if the influencer’s followers or subscribers match your target group. You can look at Age & Gender, Location, Ethnicity & Language, Audience Brand Affinity, Audience Interests, and Notable Followers, which can help you understand how influential an influencer is on consumers or other influencers.Audience Age & Gender.png

Lastly, the Audience Lookalikes tab will provide a list of influencers that have a similar/overlapping audience as the analyzed influencer. You can use this information to identify new influencers to work with.

Posts data

The Posts section of the influencer report can help you determine if the content the influencer publishes fits your brand. You can choose to look at Popular Posts for Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok, as well as Sponsored Posts or Frequent Tags for Instagram. Each post also offers a likes and comments count and link to the native post to help you understand what type of content works best in the influencer’s feed.

Refreshing an influencer report

Influencer reports that are older than 30 days will have the option to be updated. To get an updated report, hover over the influencer to see and click on the refresh icon next to the View button.


Refreshing an influencer report will cost one Report token.

You will also find the refresh icon when you open the report, next to the Export button.

Adding an influencer to your roster or campaign from a report

If you’ve decided you’d like to work with an Influencer, you can add them to your Influencers roster directly from an influencer report. Navigate into an influencer report and click the + button in the top-right corner, then click Add to Influencers. Influence will ask you if you want to add this information to an existing profile in your Influencers roster or Create a New Influencer.

If you choose to create a new influencer, the screen will guide you through adding some required information if needed. When completed, The influencer will be added to the Influencers tool with all of the social accounts and contact information that was provided in the report.

Exporting an influencer report

When viewing any influencer report, you will see the Export button in the top-right corner of the report. Clicking Export will allow you to select which sections of the report you’d like to include in your export, as well as give you the option to include your company logo on the report. When you are finished customizing your report, click Export once again at the bottom of the window, and your report will be emailed to you in PDF format.

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